This Jeep made entirely from cans is strange indeed. It is for a good cause though. A little history. First, it was made by the Jeep corporation. Second, it was made for a good cause. It was made to celebrate Canada Day, and was designed to promote Canstruction, a charity that works to end hunger and poverty. Pretty cool for a company to partner with Jeep to make a difference.

Even cooler that they made an entire Jeep Wrangler form tin cans. This blows any of those lego sculptures you find out of the water completely! However, keep in mind, it probably does not get great gas mileage, unless a lot of those were bean cans. Then you might want to roll the windows down when you drive! You’d think those ‘tires’ might get flat after about, oh I don’t know, a single use. But here were are, staring at a fully intact Jeep. Okay…so it’s probably just a museum piece, but it’s still cool. The next one you’re about to see is anything but a museum piece.

If this Jeep looks unique there is good reason for it. This is actually a concept car developed by Daimler-Chrysler in 2005. It is known as the Jeep Hurricane and features more horsepower, better climbing ability and more options for steering then any other vehicle ever made. The kicker? It comes equipped with two Hemi engines and the unique ability to turn completely around in one spot. So let’s talk features. The two 335 hp engines generate a total of 670 hp. That’s a lot of horses under the hood for one vehicle. Furthermore, the four wheel independent steering allows each tire to turn separately from the others. This means you can move the vehicle sideways, corner sharply, and perform maneuvers previously unheard of with other Jeep models. As for luxury, there’s not much going on here. It is outfitted nicely with a carbon fiber body, but only seats two. That means you won’t be bringing along many friends for the ride, yet you’ll still be the envy of your neighborhood.

This Jeep baked the cake on unique. It is known as the “License Plate Jeep” at Hole in the Rock, a popular gift shop in the state of Utah. A few cool things about this Jeep. For starters, it is a work of art. Check out the tires. They are completely made of bent and twisted pieces of metal and tools. Second, notice the exterior. There are license plates from all 50 states. It’s a pretty cool design and a great way to repurpose an old vehicle into art. The store in Moab, Utah is quite famous itself. It is 5000 ft.² and features home decor as well as other gift shop trinkets inside. The store is built into the rock. The Jeep serves as a sort of calling card for those who are searching for the store. Once you see the Jeep, you know you’re in the right place. Classy, cool, and a bit steam punk, this unique Jeep makes the perfect advertisement for a popular tourist stop.

So you have an old 1958 FC Jeep laying around. You want to make it look a little bit more boss and brutal then it is. Because as it stands, it looks like a nice vintage piece of equipment. What do you do? Simple, outfit it with tank tracks. Then, paint it green and redo the interior. Debut it at the SEMA automobile show.

This tank is outfitted like an assault vehicle and looks quite a bit more intimidating with tread than it does with tires. It is all part and parcel of the interesting things to be found at the SEMA show. Remember, it is the premiere desitnation where some of the latest trends and fads of the automobile industry come to hang out for a few days. Creations like this Jeep can be found there, and they never disappoint. Come to think of it, if I had this Jeep, I would never disappoint. I need a new life.

Here is another SEMA show creation. Check out the Tommy Gun Jeep. At first glance, it looks like a wonderful lifted piece of art work. At second glance, it appears terrifying! This Jeep could mow down whatever gets in the way. Zombies and armies would be no match for this beast.

The red theme looks amazing, but there is another standout feature as well. Check out the audio system! You could jam to your favorite tunes while mowing down scores of the undead, or communist invaders should we have a Red Dawn event. This Jeep does not play, which is why any guy worth his salt wants it! Now checkout some real Military Machines.

This Jeep owner has a strong liking to skull heads. He has a skull head decal all over his Jeep.

This Jeep was modified by Starwood Motors in Dallas. The Wrangler is up for sale for $138,000.

From the looks of the body, this is a circa-2005 Jeep Wranger Rubicon Extended, and it sure is in a predicament.

This is the Rubikong Wrangler that was modified in Greece. It features Teraflex suspension and a lift kit.

This Jeep is a great example of what you can do with a 1986 Jeep Cherokee. It belongs to Mark Blair and was featured in Hot Rod Magazine in 2011. It even made a screen debut on an episode of the popular show, “Speed’s Pass Time.” The Jeep cost Mark a whopping $200 to buy. The previous owner decided to give it up after he received the quote to replace a faulty headlight switch.

Mark went right to work and installed a 505 CI Chrysler V8 engine, billet rods, indie cylinder heads, and of course a two-stage nitrous system. That means this Jeep will tear up the drag strip in record time. Contributing to that feat is the fact that he installed an ATI power glide transmission to ensure smooth shifting. So what’s the fastest this Jeep can go? Well, how about 162 mph. Not bad for an ’86 Cherokee. And you thought they were just for trail riding.

This Jeep Owner has taken his love for Star Wars to the next level, modifying his Jeep Wrangler to resemble a stormtrooper helmet.

This Jeep owner is ready for the Zombie Apocalypse with this modified Wrangler. This vehicle is also banned in most countries.

The Jeep owner has a unique Loco – Hauk Steam Powered Wrangler. It’s a 6-wheel drive.

If this Jeep looks familiar, it’s because you may have seen Jay Leno tooling around town in it. It made a splash at the 2014 SEMA show in Vegas. It’s a concept Jeep based on the Wrangler, and looks pretty boss. Maybe it’s because it’s outfitted with 50 inch tractor tires, or the hydraulic steering, perhaps the chopped roof or red windows. It looks pretty amazing, even though the V6 engine and suspension are stock standard. This explains why Jay Leno found it to be pretty bouncy when he took it for a spin. Yet, it still doesn’t take away from the fact that this thing looks pretty incredible. Particularly, we are a fan of the grill, slightly leaned back to make the appearance more aggressive and the headlights appear a bit sunken in, like some sort of pirate or skeleton face. It’s a great piece of machinery, and a fantastic way to modify a Jeep. We give this one two thumbs up!

Here is a sweet Jeep mowing its way through the snow.

This custom Jeep features 224 in Alloy Rims. The Jeep was found in Miami.

This Jeep Trailcat is an official modification from Jeep that actually features the same engine as a Dodge Hellcat, a 707 BHP V8 Engine.

So what does this Jeep serve to do? Well, it’s what happens when you are attempting to circumnavigate your destination while remaining carbon neutral. This Jeep is the creation of a team of engineers led by Matthias Jeschke. If his name sounds familiar, you are a better man than me. That means you are up to date on the remarkable vehicles this guy creates (he break records with them all the time, who knew?) I have probably seen a few of them, I’m just not as familiar with his persona. This one takes the cake though.

Check out the float system attached to this Jeep that was designed for the Paris/New York transcontinental 2009 expedition. The float additions were a way to simply maximize the vehicle’s load bearing capacity while at the same time minimizing its weight. We would say it came off without a hitch, and it looks pretty incredible. Maybe you can come up with an idea and throw your Jeep in the mix too. Every idea has to start somewhere, this just goes to prove what happens when they come to life.

These aren’t the typical Jeep’s we see on the roads today. However back from 1956 to 1965, Jeep produced these unique Jeeps called the Jeep Forward Control.

Someone decided they wanted to paint what looks like a cool black light poster on the body of their Jeep. Maybe they should have left it on the poster.

This cool White Jeep has 4 Forgiato wheels that one the “Best of Show” at an Orlando Car Show.

Check out the backwards styling for this Jeep Rubicon. It’s part of the Nitto Tire Team and was designed to run an adventurous course developed by Jeep to prove its road worthiness. The tires show just how much they can do, the 40 inch trail grapplers gripping the terrain and traversing trails with ease. These tires provide massive traction. The course was designed to push the limits and they were able to do exactly that by climbing a slick hill, a sandy ridge and huge rock ledge. Of course, there was a crew on standby in case the Jeep got stuck, but it proved to navigate the Pacific Northwest landscape with ease. It’s the power of Jeep combined with the power of some killer tires designed to provide automatic traction and grip. The fact that the Jeep looks like it is running in reverse is just for grins and giggles. Go ahead and laugh, it’s okay. Just don’t get in the way. You’ll get run over.

This Jeep has a cool blue scheme, but it also might be a transformer in disguise.

Go to Moab, Utah and you will find a few things. For one, a ridiculous Jeep we have featured in another list, and miles of rocky trails and Jeep challenge courses. It is the perfect spot to unveil this little jewel. So what is this thing? It is a Jeep Comanche concept vehicle. It was revealed in Moab this year and made quite a splash. Take a closer look and you will see that it is indeed based off of a Wrangler, but with a few extras. The top for one, is a nice addition, and the bed that was added reminds you of the old CJ5 military days. Quite a neat concept. Who knows if they will make a full production run with these. We hope so. I know I could kick a few dunes if I had this to ride around in! Now checkout some more military vehicles.

This crazy Jeep mod is the combination of a Cadillac and a Wrangler.

I’m afraid to say you’ll never be able to own this Jeep. It was a custom-built created by a foreign diplomat who happens to live in the city of Rabat, Morocco. Take a good look. It’s a Jeep Wrangler crafted in the style of a double wide trailer. That’s right, it’s a Siamese Wrangler so to speak. It’s about 12 feet wide and can’t even fit into a standard vehicle lane.

That means it most definitely would not be street legal in the US, so that should kill any hopes of you ever trying to own one. However, the pretty slick thing is this; You can seat 10 passengers. That’s neat. But wait, it gets even better. It has twin radiators. What could that mean? Well, simply put it means that this thing most likely has two engines. However, the big question is whether or not this thing could be trail rated. It’s probably a bit wide for most Rubicon trails, but it would be interesting to see how well it performed. I guess we will have to go to Morocco for that.

This Jeep was modified with 5 exhaust pipes and chrome rims.

Leave it to the Russians to do two things always. First, be cold as you know what most days of the year. Second, come up with some of the most cleverly strange and inventive beast vehicles you have ever seen. Take a look at this concept Jeep for instance. Yes, it’s a concept Jeep even though it looks like part Humvee and part Transformer. We’re not sure if this would have mass appeal, but I’m pretty sure every guy in America would want one. While this Jeep may look strange, it’s designed with intent. The wide wheelbase and large tires provide extra traction as it slogs through the snow. The open grill face allows less accumulation to build up while the vehicle is jumping through the cold rugged Siberian wilderness. It was tested in 2015, and since we are not Russian we’re not sure if it made the cut. Yet the seating inside, designed for 10, should have been enough to market mass appeal for the Russian military. If they don’t like it, I’m sure we could find a use for it here in the states. Send one of them to us Russia, we will be happy to check it out!

This special Jeep is a Forgiato designed Wrangler. It is pretty much a truck now with 22 and 24-inch rims.

Alright so let’s say that you are extremely bored one weekend. I don’t mean the usual guy type of boredom. No, I mean so bored that you have to come up with something spectacularly amazing to create during one of your weekend project stints. Well, here you go. Simply find a set of old Wagner tank tracks, and procure an old 67 Jeep CJ–5. Mount the Jeep to the tracks and you have an all-terrain vehicle that can survive many things, like war, the apocalypse and any other sort of scenario featuring impending doom. The trick with the tracks though is actually putting them on. It took two days for Dan, the Jeep’s owner, to get the Jeep fitted to the tank tracks. However, when he was finished the Jeep actually sat 2 1/2 inches higher than it did with his previous oversize 32 x 11.5″ tires. That’s pretty impressive, however I’m not sure how practical this thing would be. But like I said, if you’re bored, go for it. At least it will give you something to do.

This sweet Jeep is ready to take over the world, no matter the environment.

This is actually an old new Jeep so to speak. It’s a renegade concept from 2008. The green color is pretty slick, and was supposedly constructed of materials that were “green”, environmental, sustainable, etc. It was an eco-movement type thing that Jeep was apart for a while, and that they claim they still support. After all, Jeep is an outdoor vehicle so why not try to be environmentally conscious when you build one. The fact that this Jeep looks like a sedan with the top removed allows it to blend in more easily on the road. It’s powered by a 40 mile lithium ion battery pack, as well as a Bluetec diesel engine. That means it’s a hybrid folks. The engine kicks in and gives the Jeep and extra 115 hp when need be. As such, the miles per gallon for this concept renegade is pretty incredible. 110. That’s right, you can go several cities over before you have to fill up, or take many trail rides before having to find a gas station. That’s about five times greater than normal Jeeps. Throw in the Jeep 4 x 4 system and locking differentials, and you have a world-class concept car. Too bad it did not make the cut.

The Jeep owner went on the extreme putting those rims on his Jeep.

Old Willy’s Jeeps are known for a few things. For starters, it brings back memories of world wars fought long ago. Second, they are easy to modify and work on. Take for instance this 1947 Willys CJ-2A Jeep that has been modified to look like a firetruck. A few of the things actually work too. The ironic thing is these Jeeps were not modified by individuals, but rather were made at a factory up until 1961. The firetrucks were scattered throughout the US and the conversions were done by Howe Fire Apparatus based out of Indiana, or Boyer, out of Logansport. The primary advantage of these Jeeps was their ability to put out a small fire before it got too large. They were nimble and could move rather quickly at a moments notice. Find one today, and you have a thing of beauty. Find one with the original three speed manual transmission, and you’re sitting on a gold mine.

This is the Jeep Dispatcher, boxy and low to the ground.

Check out this concept Jeep. It’s known as a Mighty FC. It made its debut at a Jeep safari event and was created to give homage to the early style forward control vehicles (trucks and vans), that were built by Jeep during the mid 50s and 60s. It’s built on a regular chassis, and the custom fabricated body adds to its decidedly exotic flair. The only challenge is with the steering since original vehicles contain bus like steering components. Of course modern Jeeps do not have the means to accommodate this, especially with the cabin redesign. So, it took a little bit of engineering but in the end they pulled it off. The result is the hybrid Jeep/van/truck that you see here. It’s perfect for going on a safari adventure or trekking through trails. Don’t let the look throw you, it grew on us after a while too. Hopefully they will put these in full production and they will be available at dealerships nationwide in the near future. Something this clever, crafty and versatile is a must have.

This special Jeep was designed for races instead of off-roading.

Okay so what is this? Is it a Jeep or a mini Cooper? Well, the answer is both. This is a modified 1965 Mini Cooper outfitted with a 5.7 L V-8 engine on a Jeep frame. It’s a living oxymoron so to speak. Call it a mini monster truck if you will. Whatever you do, just don’t call it silly because this thing is pure awesome. The car itself is located in Hampton, Georgia. Find the owner, make an offer, and you might wind up with this fun ride. I’m sure they will be happy to tell you all about the four-wheel-drive capacity, military whip antenna, 6 inch frame lift kit, and of course the 350 crate motor. So what frame did they use to build this Jeep mini Cooper monster? Well, if you must know, a Jeep YJ. Fully restored, custom modification and one-of-a-kind, nothing beats this mini monster truck. Good luck making a deal!

This Pink Jeep is uniquely designed to carry multiple people on tours.

Take a close look at this modified monster. It is a strange Jeep for sure, but the only component that even seems to indicate what it once was is the grill and headlights. Beyond that, this could have been any other vehicle. One thing’s for certain, it does not sit on the Jeep frame. However, it does sit on a long wheelbase frame. The rest of the vehicle looks like a mishmash between an old station wagon, a hearse and a camper trailer. Notice the luggage rack on top. That’s my only point of reference for giving this thing credit as a camping vehicle. If you ask me, it looks like some morbid chromed out hearse that looks like you would use it to haul your dead friend across the desert. Beyond that, I’m not really sure what purpose it would serve. Yet, I’m not the owner and neither are you my friend. I’m sure the owner is quite proud though. You know how people are about their vehicles, particularly weird Jeeps!

This is the result of someone combining a Jeep and a Chevy Silverado. A combo that shouldn’t have happened.

Remember the earlier Willys 1947 Jeep that was converted to be used as a fire truck? Well, here is the 1949 version. Well, almost at least. This 1949 Willys Jeep hails from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. That’s where you would need to go if you want to purchase it. However, once you did you can be assured of a few things. No matter what came your way, be it war or mayhem, you would probably be prepared. Check out the way this vehicle is outfitted. You have a machine gun, grenade hood ornament, and even a few missiles. Of course they do not work, but that’s the beauty of working with old Willys. They are easy to customize. So much so that you can turn one into your own rat rod ready for the apocalypse. This vehicle would look phenomenal in your hometown parade, local auto show or just cruising through your neighborhood. You could certainly turn a few heads in this thing, and turn whatever you want into rubble as well. Time to find an old Willy and get started!

This owner is a huge Jurassic Park mark. He modified his Jeep to resemble one of the Jurassic Park Jeep’s driven in the movie.

So you work construction and like to take your work home with you. What are you to do? Well, here’s your answer right here. Check out this modified Jeep Cherokee Sport. Of course, it features four-wheel-drive, but it also has another surprise. That’s right, you’re looking at a full scissor lift kit installed between the chassis and frame of the vehicle. If you look close, you can see the engine firmly seated below. The rest of the vehicle lifts off the tires and straight into the air at the push of a button. Now, I’m not sure whether or not this is street legal. I’m going to go out on a limb though and say probably not. I doubt the Highway Patrol would take kindly to someone raising their vehicle up 15 to 20 feet in the air to get a better look at what’s in front of them. They’re all sorts of issues you could run into with that. However, this is one of the more clever, ingenious Jeep build outs we have seen. Whoever thought of this has a lot of free time on their hands, and it’s probably not somebody you would want to make mad. I mean, if they did this to a Jeep, there’s no telling what they can do to your vehicle. Just saying.

This Celtics Fan went above and beyond to make his displeasure for LeBron James known. He went so far as to display the King James Crying meme on the spare tire cover on his Jeep.

Alright let’s take a look at this Jeep conversion. It’s a regular 6 x 6 conversion which means they have essentially added another axle to their Jeep baby. Simply smack on a conversion kit, lengthen the bed, and there you have it, a 6 bx 6 Jeep, Wrangler. The only modifications we might suggest in the future would be to extend the camper shell. While the back window raises up, having it so short makes the entire Jeep looked like it was a bit less thought out in the end. For instance, if it rains everything in the back will get soaking wet. It would be nice to have a completely enclosed top. However, for a homemade conversion job, this is not bad at all. The build is solid, and the vehicle presents well. However, for a look at what a true custom 6 x 6 conversion looks like, simply click to the next picture. It elevates conversion to an entirely new level.

Even the Pope rolls through in his custom Jeep.

Check out this conversion. If you have an old Jeep laying around and want to turn it into a 6 x 6, Starship Custom Vehicles is your answer. They are the folks behind this yellow beast and would love to make one for you. They feature one ton gear over box axles which translates into this. You can haul somewhere between one and two tonnes. That’s pretty hefty for Jeep, right? And while you might be able to haul that much, getting it moving depends on the engine size. The axles are made to withstand abuse for sure. They can outfit your 6 x 6 vehicle with just about any gear ratio and the 6 x 6 conversions are rated at a standing 800 hp. That means you get maximum durability from your conversion. Throw in six wheel ventilated disc brakes and you have a vehicle that is a beast, durable and efficient, even under the most harsh of circumstances. It’s what happens when you combine the power of the Jeep with the power of a 6 x 6 conversion.

This Jeep owner made the decision to paint their Jeep Pink chrome.

So you have a family and things start to go south pretty quick. What do you do? Well, if you’re this guy, you pack them up in your 6 x 6 Jeep camper apocalyptic conversion vehicle. Check out the grill on this thing. Whatever’s in the way will definitely not be an issue once it meets that steel bumper. And those tires! Talk about navigating some serious terrain! The tread on those things makes navigating the Pacific Northwest no issue. For that matter, the tread makes navigating anything a non-issue. You can sleep at night, light up the area in front of you with those massive fog lights, and keep on trucking to your destination. The only concern might be gas. I’m not sure how much this thing takes, but I would say it drinks it by the 5 gallon drum rather than some measly moderate fuel consumption. But hey, you really have to ask yourself, if you’re driving something like this… are you concerned about gas mileage? My thoughts exactly.

Alright so if you’re wondering just what the heck is going on with this Jeep, join the club. It looks pretty odd for sure until you understand the back story. These are actually Jeeps that have been modified to compete in a swamp race. Check out the exhaust for instance. The plastic pipe slipped over the existing exhaust in the hood curves up and over the back to allow air to escape, while keeping water out of the engine components. The Jeeps have been stripped down to make them lightweight, and the tires have even been modified to provide good traction with the least possible amount of surface area. So where do you find something like this? Simple. The Florida Everglades. This is the Spring Classic Swamp Buggy Race and the Jeep scramble is one of the main attractions. Participants compete for trophies and bragging rights, and of course fun is had by all. True to tradition, the winner typically takes a dip, or rather is thrown into the water as part of the celebration. I’m not sure that I would be game for that, but I certainly wouldn’t mind having one of those Jeeps. They look pretty awesome.